Tips & News




You survived the trick or treat stashes at Halloween!

The FIFA World Cup is challenging your resolve!

We have all “planned’ to train well over the next few weeks!

AND now the delicious temptations of the festive season approach.

It is safe to say that most of us plan to avoid holiday weight gain, but even the most disciplined athlete can struggle to hold the line against extra kilograms. Use these tips to devise your defence. Cheers to your health!

  1. WATER – IT WORKS. Proper hydration is always important, but during the holidays, it can be a valuable ally. Aim to drink 1-2 full glasses of water before you leave for that holiday gathering to help curb your appetite. It will also counteract the dehydrating effect of alcohol, should you indulge. Throughout the day, every day, drink 33-39 ml per kg of your body weight to avoid weight gain. Add an Endurolytes FIZZ for those extra electrolytes during our warm summer days.
  2. REIN IN APPETITE. Get a jump on cravings now with Hammer Phytolean and Hammer ChitoLean. They both suppress appetite and Phytolean helps to increase fat metabolism, without the use of harmful stimulants. Phytolean also contains a plant-based precursor of serotonin, which may enhance sleep quality and reduce sugar cravings. Take 1–2 capsules an hour before lunch and dinner. Use in cycles of three weeks on and one week off.
  3. GO FOR COLOUR. Be proactive at those parties. Instead of standing at the dining room table, wondering whether to choose salty/starchy nachos or high-fat Brie cheese, bring the host a tray of veggie wraps, stuffed cherry tomatoes and sliced sweet peppers. These veggies are loaded with nutrients and fibre, yet low in calories. Lean proteins such as steamed prawns, chicken breast, or a small handfuls of nuts, are also good choices.
  4. EASY ON THE WHITE STUFF. Skip the sauces, gravies and dressings which all contain unnecessary calories, sugar and salt. (At the same time, try to not offend that family member who is renowned for their gravy). Be mindful of those tempting starchy carbs like bread, chips, white rice, pasta and cookies. On those occasions when you know you’ll indulge, be sure to take Phytolean. It will block the digestion of starchy carbs for you, enhance fat burning and optimize your blood sugar levels.
  5. GET YOUR Zzzz. Research has shown that not getting 8 hours of quality sleep can affect your body’s insulin and ghrelin levels, leading to overeating.